Eau Claire Transit

Public Transportation Services are provided by the Operations Division of the Public Works Department. The Division is responsible for the bus system under the direction of the Eau Claire Transit Commission, which was established for maintenance and operation of a comprehensive unified local transportation system. The Transit Manager is responsible for the daily operations. Fleet maintenance is provided by mechanics located at the Central Maintenance Facility.

The City of Eau Claire operates a fixed route bus system, utilizing a fleet of 22 low-floored, ramp-equipped buses. The system is traditional in design with eleven routes converging at a central hub -- downtown Transfer Center. The majority of the neighborhood routes operate on an hourly frequency, while the more heavily traveled routes provide 30 minute service.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Eau Claire Transit will be at UWEC on Wednesday to answer any questions. Stop by and get free give-aways.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome to the Transit Blog


Welcome to the Eau Claire Transit's Blog. With this blog you will receive updates about the Transit System, activites, events, and detours.